
On this pages you will find a short explanation of how to work the stitches. 

In cooperation with Tania Leis of Hooked by TJ who made the videos of the stitches and several tutorials. 




 Border / Connection Stitch


 Tunisisan Simple Stitch


 Return Stitch


 Tunisian Purl Stitch


 Tunisian Knit Stitch


 Tunisian Reverse Stitch


 Tunisian SLanted Stitch


Tunisian Twisted Knit Stitch


Tunisian Full Stitch


Tunisian Double Stitch




 Into Open Space


 2 TOGether (pull through 3 loops)


 On Cluster (insert hook under both vertical bars)


 On Top of Cluster (insert hook under horizontal bar on top of cluster 2TOG)


 3 TOGether (pull through 4 loops)


 On Top of Cluster (insert hook under horizontal bar on top of cluster 3TOG)

How to make the stitches

Border / Connection Stitch                               -        BS

It is necessary to mention this because they work different from the other stitches but they are always there when you count your loops on the hook.


Right: First loop on the hook

Left: Normal border stitch: pick up 2 strands and pull up a loop


Connection stitch: Insert hook under vertical bar right behind the V

Tunisian Simple Stitch                                        -        TSS

  • Insert hook under the next vertical bar from right to left
  •   Yarn over
  •   pull up a loop.

Return stitch                                            -        RS

You start a normal Return Pass with pull through 1 loop and then you work all RS by pull through 2 loops.


Check the pattern if there is another way to work this stitch. 

Becareful when you work with charts: 

The first RS is the pull through 1 loop OR the connection loop when you join blocks while you go.

Tunisian Purl Stitch                                           -        TPS

  • Yarn in front of your work
  • Insert hook under next bar (right to left)
  • Yarn over
  •  Pull up a loop

Tunisian Knit Stitch                                            -        TKS

  • Insert hook from right to left and from front to back between the front- and backbar
  • Yarn over
  • Pull up a loop

Tunisian Slanted Stitch                                    -        TSLS

  • Insert hook under the next vertical bar from left to right
  • Turn hook upward
  • Yarn over
  • Pull up a loop

tunisian Reversed Stitch                                -        TRS

The Reverse Stitch is made on the back of your work and is reversable.

  • Find the back bar of the next stitch on the back of your work
  • Insert hook from right to left under the back bar
  • Yarn over
  • Pull up a loop

Twisted Tunisian Knit Stitch                         -       TTKS

  • Insert hook from left to right  and from front to back through the next stitch
  • yarn over
  • pull up a loop

Tunisian Full Stitch                                 -         TFS

Tunisian Double Stitch                           -          TDS

Chain                                                                    -        CH

  • yarn over
  • pull through 1 loop

Into Open Space                                                  -        ios

  • insert your hook from front to back under the vertical bar in the space that is created in the return pass by the chain
  • yarn over
  • pull up a loop

2 together                                                           -        2TOG

  • yarn over
  • pull through 3 loops

on cluster (of 2TOG)                                      -         OC

  • insert hook under both bars of the 2TOG
  • yarn over
  • pull up a loop

On Top of Cluster 2TOG                                      -        OtC

  • insert hook from front to back under the horizontal bar on top of 2TOG 
  • yarn over
  • Pull up a loop

3 stitches together                                           -        3TOG

  • yarn over 
  • pull through 4 loops

On Top of Cluster 3TOG                                      -        OtC

  • insert hook from front to back under the horizontal bar of the 3TOG 
  • Yarn over
  • Pull up a loop